Friday, June 6, 2008

Rylee's 4 month appt...

The poor Littles had her 4 month appt. today, and of course she got 3 shots! She was so brave though, she only cried for a couple of minutes and then everything was ok. She's growing pretty good, she weighs 13.8 lbs (50%) and is 25 1/2 inches long (90%). I was a little bit surprised that she didn't weigh more, but I also keep wanting to compare her to Brandon, who was and still is huge! I've got to remember that each kid is different! Our Dr. also informed us that we should probably start letting Rylee cry it out, because the little turd doesn't want to nap at all! So today is day 1 of crying it out, and so far so good, she cried for about half an hour and then fell right to sleep. Let's hope it get's better each day. =)

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