Thursday, November 20, 2008

A Twilight what???

Last Saturday Kristen, Jeni and I decided to go check out a Twilight event that was being held at Borders book store in Boise (try saying that 10 times fast). It was a blast despite the fact that the event had not been advertised in any way, and in all reality it was pretty cheesy- in a good way of course. The second best part of the night (I'll get to the best part in a minute) was when Margo (another friend of ours) started jumping up and down because she knew that she had won the grand prize- tickets to see the movie- before they even called her name! She did indeed win them, which is awsome because she's the biggest Twilight fanatic that I know!
Now on to the best part of the night- Costa Vida! If you've never heard of it, it's one of the best Mexican food places I've ever been to! We decided to stop there after our Twilight fun, and I'm so glad we did because I'm still dreaming of the yummy goodness they serve there!
All in all, we had such a great time! It's always fun to reconnect with old friends, and even better when it's to celebrate hot vampires and good food!

1 comment:

MissQ22 said...

HA HA HA!!! Hot vampire and good food?? Now that is my idea of heaven! ROFL!!! * wink*
Glad you had a fun time!!!!!